DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN ssccpppp simplifys file transformation between two machines by extending basic command scp. scpp is a one-line command that added to your bash profile. You need to specific username ,server address and options before using.
OOppttiioonnss ppuusshh Push files to remote machine.
.TH SCPP 1 "9 September 2019" .SH NAME scpp \- scp plus .SH SYNOPSIS \fBscpp\fP [ push | pull ] [ scp options ] source target .SH DESCRIPTION \fBscpp\fP simplifys file transformation between two machines by extending basic command scp. scpp is a one-line command that added to your bash profile. You need to specific username ,server address and options before using. .SS Options .TP \fBpush\fP Push files to remote machine. .TP \fBpull\fP Pull files from remote machine. .TP \fBsource\fP Specify the source file. .TP \fBtarget\fP Specify the target file. .SH "SEE ALSO" scp .SH BUGS Please report to minjie_gu@126.com.
# DESCRIPTION scpp simplifys file transformation between two machines by extending basic command scp. scpp is a one-line command that added to your bash profile. You need to specific username ,server address and options before using.
## Options
**push** Push files to remote machine.
**pull** Pull files from remote machine.
**source** Specify the source file.
**target** Specify the target file.
# SEE ALSO **scp**
# BUGS Please report to minjie_gu@126.com.
pandoc --standalone -f markdown -t man -o scpp_md.roff scpp.md | groff -Tascii -man scpp_md.roff | more